
Monday, November 4, 2013


Knowledge in the classroom

I've lately been thinking a lot of the things I knew before I was a teacher and what I've learned since then. This blog coincides with the prompt for this month's Reach To Teach Blog Carnival: "what you've learned in the ESL classroom." (If you'd like to contribute to next month's Blog Carnival contact

ยท         What I knew before I started teaching
o   I knewโ€ฆ
ยง  enough essential English grammar to recognize things that are wrong and why
ยง  a few ways to settle a classroom
ยง  some classroom games
ยง  that I loved teaching
ยท         What you will learn the first few years of teaching
o   I knowโ€ฆ
ยง  random details of English grammar (Iโ€™ve gotten really good at appositives and random TOEFL grammar)
ยง  patience. INCREDIBLE amounts of patience.
ยง  more classroom games and activities (and what games / activities are best suited to a class / lesson)
ยง  how to break down complicated concepts into simple ideas
ยง  to quickly identify words and phrases in a text that will be difficult for my students
ยง  to communicate very well without using words
ยง  to guess quite accurately what someone is saying (even if it is in a different language) very useful for traveling :D
ยง  to use random objects in class successfully
ยง  millions of ways to amuse myself during meetings (analyze the grammar, make your own listening activity, etc.)
ยง  the internet is an amazing tool with activities,ideas, worksheets, and inspiration everywhere you turn!
ยง  to not fear the silence after I ask a question. Students are thinking!
ยท         What I hope to learn the next few years or teaching
o   Iโ€™d like to
ยง  be more apt at helping students overcome their pronunciation issues.
ยง  become aware of more uses for my tablet in the classroom
ยง  become more familiar with the needs of different English assessment tests so I can better prepare my students
ยง  create more activities where my students are actively working with people from other countries.
ยง  develop more patienceโ€ฆI am sure Iโ€™ll need it.

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