I love my life.
- I love that I decided to study in Singapore 7 years ago.
- I love that I backpacked around Asia before coming home that Winter.
- I love that I studied in Spain 5 years ago.
- I love that before Spain I had a chance to explore Europe.
- I love that I studied in Turkey that Summer.
- I love that I taught in Korea.
- I love that I saved money and traveled Europe before I came home.
- I love that I did the Camino de Santiago.
- I love that I au paired in the Netherlands while I got my CELTA.
- I love that I took a job in a "narco" city in Madrid (I love my University).
That being said, there are other ways to tilt at windmills. Take some risks. Try that new restaurant. Learn to use chopsticks. Rock a new microbrew. Try a different way to teach. Give yourself personal challenges and enjoy life!
I am glad I try to find new ways to implement movies all the time. I like using music during class (and not just in clozes). I like that I try new things I learn from webinars (like flipped classes and dynamic assessment)
What windmills have you tilted at lately?
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