When teaching relative clauses there
are two hard parts. Defining vs Non-Defining clauses
and the differences between who, whom and whose.
Who vs Whom has gotten some popularity
in Internet memes, but which vs that still has not been given as much
attention. I predict within the next 10 years people will start
insulting people for using it incorrectly in YouTube comments.
In order to understand the difference
between which and that you need to understand the essentials of comma
usage with relative clauses, in short the difference between
defining(essential) and non-defining (non-essential) clauses.
When I teach I tell students to think
of commas as balloons. When something is surrounded by commas that
information can “fly away” since the balloons tell you it isn't necessary.
My boyfriend, who is a teacher, is
The information in the commas is
non-defining. We already know who my boyfriend is we don't need to
know that he is a teacher. Thus: “My boyfriend is sexy” has the
same essential meaning.
My boyfriend who is a teacher is
Without the commas, “who is a teacher” becomes defining or essential information. This means the information is needed or we don't know who I am talking about. It
suggests I have more than one boyfriend and the one who is a teacher
is sexy (perhaps the engineer whom I am also dating is not sexy).
So let's try it with another sentence.
My friend, who lives in Paris, is
speaks French.
How many friends do I have based on
that sentence? Just one, or more?
Since there are commas, it is extra
information. Consequently the sentence suggests I only have one
My friend who lives in Paris is
speaks French.
On the other hand this sentence has no
commas. This suggests that the relative clause is necessary thus I
have more than one friend.
Got it? Let's check. Select the correct
My cat who is my
only pet is annoying. OR
My cat, who is my only pet, is annoying.
(yes I use who with pets).
Since I only have one cat the relative
clause is not needed and thus should be in commas: My cat, who is my
only pet, is annoying.
How does this apply to which and that?
Which is ONLY used with extra
information clauses, whereas that is ONLY used with defining clauses.
For example.
News that is controlled by the rich
is biased.
sentence requires the relative clause, hence it suggests that some
news is not controlled by rich people and only news controlled by
rich people is biased.
News, which is controlled by the
rich, is biased.
in this sentence the relative clauses is unneeded and the sentence
could be re-written as, “News is biased,” thus it suggests that
news is biased.
Starbucks that is
near the park has the cutest employee.
are many Starbucks in the city and this sentence is talking about the
one specific Starbucks found near the park.
Starbucks, which is
near the park, has the cutest employee.
There is only one
Starbucks (weird, but that's true in some cases) and it has the cutest
The last difference
is easy. Which is ONLY used with objects. That is used with objects
and people.
Which is ALWAYS
used with commas and objects.
That is ALWAYS used
without commas for objects and people.
So try it out:
My television, which is the only one I have, is broken
My television that is the only one I have is broken.
C. My
television which is the only one I have is broken.
D. My
television, that is the only one I have, is broken.
I only have one TV,
so the relative clause should be in commas (so it is A or D) and
since we never use that with commas the correct answer is A.

Justin Bieber's album, which was his debut album, sold tons of
Justin Bieber's album that was his debut album sold tons of
Justin Bieber's album which was his debut album sold tons
of copies.
Justin Bieber's album, that was his debut album, sold tons
of copies.
Justin Bieber has
had more than one album. So the relative clause is needed, otherwise
we aren't sure which album they are talking about. As a result, we
can say the correct sentence has no commas and is either B or C.
Since we ALWAYS use commas with which the answer is B.

A.Tyra Banks' TV show, which isn't cancelled, is my
reality TV addiction.
Tyra Banks' TV show, that isn't cancelled, is my reality TV
Tyra Banks' TV show which isn't cancelled is my reality TV
Tyra Banks' TV show that isn't cancelled is my reality TV
Tyra used to have a
talk show. Now, she just has a modeling show. Since there is more
than one Tyra television show, we need the relative clause.
Consequently, our answer can't have commas and has to use that. That means the answer is D.
Hope that helps! Do
you have any special activities you do when you are talking about
defining vs non-defining clauses? I tend to just try to make my
students practice with a lot of worksheets that I make as interesting
as I can with celebrities, current movies, crazy examples etc.
You're vs Your Flyswatter is a great game for reviewing this. I also like finding weird news articles and making them combine the sentences using which or that.
How do you get students to practice definind vs non-defining phrases?