Since I just posted about the UNICEF mobile site to donatewater and keep students off their phone, I thought I should share this great
ebook about different ways to get your students thinking about water.
Keep in mind that Earth Day is coming up in the spring, so if you are planning to incorporate anything about water conservation into a lesson later, it may be best to introduce something water related now. This way when you teach water conservation later, they will be able to refer to the earlier lesson.
For example, students can animate the water cycle (MEW010)
and focus on a specific tense. Alternatively, students can focus on the use of
transition words.
There’s another activity where students go online and try to
track specifically where the water in the school (or house) comes from. Then
they track the path via the pipes to their house. This should give them
appreciation of how far their water travels.
A lot of science experiments are great for getting students to talk to one another, write down their thoughts and then share them with the class. For instance, you can have students make a water filter and try to filter water you have made dirty. Later they can present their filter to the class and hypothesize what could have made it better.
Was every mission great? No. A few flat out would not work in my area. For example. When they suggest counting rain drops left on cardboard, they are envisioning a rain that doesn't come down in sheets the way it usually does in Culiacan. Bu that's fine! There are more than enough suggestions, so I can ignore the ones that don't work for my class and adapt the ones that may.
There's also a version of the book for students without all the teacher's notes.
I saved the best part for last! There's a related website

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