As an English teacher it is easy for me to correct students' work. It is harder to teach them to correct their own work. Throughout the years I've picked up tips and tricks that help them avoid mistakes, and catch / correct them once written.
Proofreading isn't as easy as you may think. Tihs shwos your mnid is asoewme. Have you seen that before? It suggests that with only the first and last letter in the right place your brain will find the context and fix it for you. It is always harder to proofread your own work than someone else’s, but sometimes it must be done! How on earth can you proofread your own work?
Below I cover the best way to write a document. Understandably you can’t always follow these steps from start to finish, but ideally you would be able to do so.
1. Hand write the first copy
a. What? Who writes anything
anymore? I know this seems antiquated but when you write with a pen or pencil silly typos are
less likely to occur. Most people also type faster than they write, so by
writing you are forcing your brain to slow down and form more accurate sentences.
2. Know what you are looking for
a. Different documents have
different things you need to keep in mind. A formal essay should avoid first
person, contractions and slang whereas an e-mail could include all of those
(depending on your company). Be sure you know the style rules you should be
following and keep these in mind for the next steps.
3. Type it up and use a spelling and grammar check
a. Most computers come with a
grammar check. Make sure yours is set up in the right language and use it! Do
NOT just click, “OK” to everything. Read the options, the explanation and ONLY
if you agree change it. Sometimes you may agree that it is wrong, but not in
their corrections. That’s OK; rephrase it however you like. If you aren’t sure
consider re-writing the sentence a different way regardless.
4. Get some distance
a. Re-reading something five
minutes after you wrote it will rarely yield amazing results. Coming back to it
the next day (or longer) is better, but if you absolutely must send it off that
same day take a break before you re-read it. Stand up and leave your computer /
desk. Get a cup of coffee. Talk to a friend. Get your mind off the
5. Print it out in sections
I love trees as much as the
next person but most people will find more mistakes on paper than on a screen. Use
recycled paper if it makes you feel better.
b. If you are proofreading a
longer document try to check it in chunks. If you aren’t used to proofreading
and you attempt to do it all at once you will likely get tired halfway through
and stop noticing as much. It is better if you can divide it into smaller
c. Another option is to read it
all at once but only focus on one thing each time. For example: This time I am
only looking for run on sentences. Note: This is harder to do!
a. Do you remember when you were
little and you read with your finger on the words? This is called tracking. It
is helpful to track when you grade your own work because your brain has to
register every word. You can’t skip a word or phrase. This is especially useful
with unneeded words you will hear as wrong (but only if you manage to say
b. We often hear mistakes before
we see them. Did you run out of breath before the sentence ended? It’s probably
a run on sentence. Does something just sound awkward? It probably is!
a. Did you know that many teachers
nowadays are being told not to use red pens. Some studies suggest that teachers
are too
negative when they use a red pen compared to other colors. Embrace this!
You want to spot all the mistakes you can so use a red pen and get that edge.
a. Backwards document your read? No,
not like that. When you read from the top to the bottom your brain starts
auto-correcting what it knows you meant to say. By reading the last sentence,
then the second to last, then the third to last etc. your brain won’t
anticipate the next step and you’re likely to find more mistakes. This is hard
the first few times, but it does get easier.
9. Embrace technology!
a. If you notice that you are frequently
using the wrong word (e.g. there instead of their) jump on your computer. Find (Ctrl+F)
all uses of your incorrect word and check them all at one time. Also take advantage of tech tools to check your writing.
10. Rest and Repeat
a. A good job is never done, as
stated before it is really best if you let your text rest in between readings.
Even if you think you are done take the longest break you can, check it one
more time, and then send.
There we are! Ten easy ways to proofread your own document. Whenever possible I suggest you find a trusted friend, colleague, old teacher, or relative who will look over your work. An extra pair of eyes always helps. However, if you are unable to do so, following these steps should make sure that your document gets as close to perfect as you can get it.
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